Electrical Inspectors Association of Alberta

Contributing to a safe electrical environment in Alberta

Day Two: Saturday February 11: Professional Development Seminars


1)  Electric Vehicle Energy Management SystemsArk Tsisserev, AES Engineering

2)  Fire InvestigationsKeven Lefebvre, Leduc Fire Chief


3) Administrative Penalties - Danny Stoesz, Manager Compliance, AMA 403-341-8605

4) Residential Battery-based Energy Storage Systems - Steve Douglas, QPS Evaluation Services


We look forward to seeing you at the Conference!


For full EIAA 2023 Technical Conference details go to Conference.


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Mission Statement

The Electrical Inspectors Association of Alberta will promote the uniform understanding and application of the Rules and Regulations adopted under the Safety Codes Act. This shall be done without bias and with fairness. We will assist in the formulation of standards, technical, professional knowledge and procedures upon well-grounded information, in achieving safe electrical installations, in the interest of safety, to life and property.