Electrical Inspectors Association of Alberta

Contributing to a safe electrical environment in Alberta

To download the submission form please click here.


Submissions must be made prior to January 7th, 2025.


Please submit proposed agenda items to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Conference Submission Notes:
1. If you have any questions regarding a proposed submission, email
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2. Your participation in submitting submissions is what makes our conference valuable to
you and others.
3. Submissions can be related to any question, concern, or information item you wish to
advise industry of within the electrical discipline or related industries including Codes,
Standards, Utility, Acts and regulations, Manufacturing issues, Trades and
apprenticeship, Licensing Certification of equipment, as well as related documents such
as Building or Fire codes that might impact you as an individual, Inspector, agency,
municipality etc.
4. Our goal of your submission is to acquire a consistent interpretation within the electrical
5. We encourage submissions from any individual or entity interested in electrical safety
and consistent application of the rules within our industry. This includes entities from
outside our provincial boundaries.
6. We encourage that if you have run into an installation that you feel that may be of interest
to others within the province to submit a submission. Regardless of if you have resolved
compliance issues regarding the installation, what you have seen likely is of interest to
others across the province as well as inter provincial members particularly if it is a one
off, or new technology that may be of use to others.


Looking forward to seeing you at the Conference!!

Upcoming Events

Mission Statement

The Electrical Inspectors Association of Alberta will promote the uniform understanding and application of the Rules and Regulations adopted under the Safety Codes Act. This shall be done without bias and with fairness. We will assist in the formulation of standards, technical, professional knowledge and procedures upon well-grounded information, in achieving safe electrical installations, in the interest of safety, to life and property.